Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

January Gold Mathletics Winners

1st February 2023


Congratulations to all the children who have worked hard throughout January to achieve their Gold Mathletics award. We are very proud of you. Keep up the great work. Who will be our February winners?

Fec3262 F A11 E 40 B7 Bda3 236150 D31931
E0 F45080 7549 4247 Bb0 F 663 F5 Ad4 C21 F
22 Acd222 9 Cde 476 D 8398 B4 C91 E4 A4155
Da6 B1 F90 5 A60 42 B8 Bdef 4 D4 C78 Bcaeac
074431 Ae 2 Df6 4039 B10 D C6 F5392 C3 Fb8
9 C6 B8 D09 1254 49 A3 Bdb5 E70 F349 E418 A
1 Ed25 E60 Ca38 4 A85 8 A4 D 0609 Fcde39 F8
75 D16462 1375 4 Df5 9 Ecb 6644 Dbddb76 E

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