Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Infrastructure Minister Visits Glenravel

24th March 2022


The Infrastructure Minister (Nicola Mallon) visited Glenravel to launch NI Water’s Primary School Poster Competition. This year’s focus is on the importance of Peat Bogs.

Primary 5’s theme this term is Water and NI Water held a workshop for the class before a photoshoot with the Minister, at the beautiful Garron Bog and Dungonnell Dam.

Img 1997
Img 1995
Img 1996
Img 1994
Img 0734
Img 0733
Img 0732
Img 0731
Img 0724
Img 0723
Img 0722
Img 0720
Img 0735

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