Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


2nd April 2017


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Ict 1
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Ict 5

The development of ICT is a School Development Plan priority.  We want all of our pupils to be properly equipped with the relevant ICT skills, knowledge and experiences which will allow them to be successful contributors to a modern society.                                                                                     

Already we have taken a number of steps to help us achieve this.                                    

ICT Equipment We have Purchased:                                                                                             

- 10 Linx Tablets;                                                                                                                 

- 6 iPads;                                                                                                      

- digital cameras for all classrooms;  

- free roaming Easi Speak mics for recording chats/interviews/thoughts, linked to literacy development; 

 - desktop microphones so children can add voice overs  or sound effects to their work, ie: Scratch projects;                                                                                            

- 4 extra BeeBots to add to those already in school.

Developing Areas of ICT:                                                                  

Interactive Design has been our ICT focus area this year.  All of the classes have been using SCRATCH, a new programming language, which allows the children to create their own interactive stories, games, animations and art.  It develops children’s problem solving and mathematical skills, at the same time. Your child can access SCRATCH at home by visiting I would encourage your child to save, on to a pen drive, any projects they create at home and bring them in to school to share with the other children.                                                                                  

In-service Training:                                                                                         

Our next staff development day in May will focus on ICT, with experts from the Nerve Centre training all staff members in the area of Film and Animation. This is the next area of ICT that we will develop with the children.                                                                                                           

Being Safe Online:                                                                              

On Safe Internet Day (07.02.17) the KS2 pupils came together to watch a live streaming of prize winning E-Safety videos, produced by fellow children. They highlighted the dangers of the Internet and Social Media and ways in which children can protect themselves. An information leaflet has also been distributed to parents with this month’s newsletter on Cyber-bullying. It will keep you informed about APPS that children are using and some TOP TIPS on how to help keep your children safe online.                                                                                                         

Our ICT journey continues, onwards and upwards!  

Mrs L Gormley

ICT Co-ordinator

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