Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Green Day

16th March 2023


Green Day is an important day in the school calendar. It is a time to celebrate our cultural heritage and demonstrate our commitment to the developing world, through the school’s support of Trócaire. It is of course a fun day and a good time to dress up!

The children looked brilliant in green, with lots of creativity on display. Well done.

Our Primary 6 class provided the treats for the annual Trócaire Bun Sale. A super, very well organised event. Well done to everyone at home and in school who supported the children with the fundraiser.

We were, of course, all together on the one site for the day. This provided the Primary 6 and 7 pupils with an opportunity to read together with the infants. Everyone involved enjoyed the experience.

Our programme finished with a St. Patrick’s Day Variety Concert. We have so many talented children in Glenravel (who knew!). Music, dance, storytelling, singing … A really enjoyable finish to a very full day.

Enjoy the photos and the holiday. ☘

World Book Day
Spdp7 2
Spdp7 1
Pmclspd 2
Pmclspd 1
P6 Wbd 2
P6 Wbd 3
P6 Wbd 1
P6 Rb 10
P6 Rb 9
P6 Rb 8
P6 Rb 7
P6 Rb 6
P6 Rb 5
P6 Rb 4
P6 Rb 3
P6 Rb 2
P6 Rb 1
P5 Spd 4
P5 Spd 3
P5 Spd 2
P5 Spd 1
P3 Spd 2
P3 Spd 1
P1 Sspd 10
P1S Wbd
P1 Sspd 9
P1 Sspd 8
P1 Sspd 7
P1 Sspd 6
P1 Sspd 5
P1 Sspd 4
P1 Sspd 3
P1 Sspd 2
P1 Sspd 1
P1 Hwbdd 3
P1 Hwbdd 1
P1 Hwbdd 2
P1H Wbd
P1 Hspd 6
P1 Hspd 5
P1 Hspd 4
P1 Hspd 3
P1 Hspd 2
P1 Hspd 1
Green Day in MQP
1035 D99 E 3 Bcc 4869 B46 E Be547556 Afdb
13864 D0 E 2320 4696 94 E1 471 Aea1 D68 Ad
2 B3 Ddbc7 5 F47 40 B6 944 B Fd928 F4 Eb410
Green Day in MQP
Green Day in MQP
Green Day in MQP
325 D73 B1 B050 4620 9 D2 C 48216 F0 B0 C25
4 B54 C14 B 022 A 4181 Bc26 A04 B13 C4 Ddb1
4401 Ed68 C230 472 C 9467 30 Ddc7531 D15
57 B3 Faad D79 F 4604 A531 C6 Ba85 F3135 D
59081 B31 C63 B 4 B6 E B4 F4 2 B78207 B302 F
68422 D24 548 E 41 Db B7 D2 Cf1 Db5762479
Green Day in MQP
9 C7 D9 Ed2 27 D3 4045 8 E04 A1 F050 A3 Bec3
9 E04 Cd0 C B33 D 4 Eb8 B7 D4 F43 D12 A5192 D
Green Day in MQP
90 D865 C9 0012 4 B55 A2 Ab 6500 D80 C3 Dd5
Ad3 E7 Dc9 5167 404 F Bd38 10 F985 B82 Be6
Af8 Dc223 B057 4 Ab3 9 Ade C37054 Eb7138
Green Day in MQP
Green Day in MQP
D0 E21 Ad9 7360 45 E0 A96 C 295 D6 Aa6 D47 B
D2 A50 E0 E 35 D7 4 Ce0 B4 F5 518127387508
E9 Dc04 E4 C9 D7 421 D A499 0 Cf3352145 F5
F8 Fbaf87 5941 46 A5 B497 867 A020 Da418
Happy St Patricks Day

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