Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Green Day - Let's Get Ready

11th March 2023


On Green Day (Thursday 16 March 2023) we will celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day holiday.

This is a non-uniform day and the children should come to school dressed in green. Hopefully we will see plenty of creativity in the dressing-up (please no hair colours). The children make a £1 coin donation to Trócaire.

It is Lent but we have one treat at this time of year. Our annual bun sale is being organised by Primary 6 and a bun costs 50p, with the proceeds going to Trócaire.

During the day we will have cultural festivities and an opportunity for the children to showcase their talents in song, dance, playing a musical instrument, drama or even telling a joke.

All of the pupils will be based in Martinstown on Thursday 16 March. Primary 1 children should be left at Martinstown school (a member of staff will be at the gate), with Primary 2 going to the Parish Hall (please bring your child directly into the hall). The children can be collected from the same locations at the end of the school day. Any pupils needing transport to and from Cargan can use the school bus.

As we are on the one site for the day, we will extend the World Book Day activities into Green Day with Primary 1 & 7 reading together and Primary 2 & 6 reading together.

School will be closed on Friday 17 and Monday 20 March 2023.

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