Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Green Day

12th March 2018


On Friday 16 March 2018 we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in MQP with a Green Day.

Y2 will be performing at March’s Pupil of the Month assembly and all of the children in the school will dress in green to mark the holiday.  The pupils will make a £1 donation to Trócaire.  On this day the Y4 class will organise our one Lenten treat – a Bun Sale, again in aid of Trócaire (25p per bun).


In the afternoon there will be a St. Patrick’s Day Variety Concert, with each class performing for the rest of the school.  We will also be entertained by our talented Irish dancers.

The Year 1 and 2 children should go directly to the Parish Hall in the morning and they will spend all day in Martinstown (this will include school dinners).  Children can be collected from the Parish Hall at 2 p.m.

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