Green Day
14th March 2017
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig
Celebrations to mark St. Patrick’s Day will take place in the school on Thursday 16 March 2017. We will have a Green Day to celebrate the national holiday. This is a non-uniform day and children can dress in green, with a £1 donation to Trócaire. Y6 will perform a St. Patrick’s Day assembly, followed by our Irish dancers. There will also be a bun sale in aid of Trócaire (oraganised by Y4) in Martinstown in the morning and in Cargan in the afternoon.
Cargan pupils should go to the Parish Centre for 9 a.m. (please note there will be no Pupil of the Month assembly on the last Thursday of this month).
School will be closed on Friday 17 March 2017.