Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Grandparents' Day

1st February 2023


Catholic School’s Week In Mary Queen of Peace PS concluded with Grandparents’ Day (1 February 2023).

The children invited their grandparents to mass in the church, followed by Primary 3’s assembly in the Parish Hall. Mrs McKeown’s class helped everyone in the hall celebrate this year’s theme of Walking Together in Faith and Love. Thank you Primary 3.

Our magnificent PTA provided refreshments for the grandparents, special family members and the children’ s parents. A real treat and it is so good to be back celebrating together in person. This was our first opportunity to celebrate Grandparents’ Day in three years. We are very appreciative too of the support from Sperrin Bakery.

The Parish Hall was adorned with grandparents’ art. Our pupils have been working hard on art (in particular print and collage), with art being one of the priorities in the School Development Plan. The children wanted an audience to view their work and who better than their grandparents!

We really did walk together in faith and love during Grandparents’ Day. Thank-you to all of the school’s staff; Mrs McLoughlin (RE Co-ordinator); Mrs Sharkey (Art Co-ordinator); Mrs McKeown and the Primary 3 team; Mrs McNicholl (Vice-Principal); Mrs Gormley (website); PTA members; Denise for the administration; Fr Paul; and most of all to the children’s grandparents.

Enjoy the photos.

P3 Granparents' Assembly
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Grandparents' Mass
0 D731 C65 536 B 46 Ca B77 F 4 F73 Dc311 B27
Grandparents' Day Art
0 E8 A08 B9 115 B 42 E3 9 F48 D0 E90 Ddae2 De
003 A5 Ff8 438 B 43 D1 9457 848 A1074 D742
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
05 C64405 Fd05 4609 9 F40 51 A5 Ca438493
0714 Bb2 B 72 Da 44 B6 A09 C C94983 C0673 C
1 A215936 0 C47 4 B80 Ad5 E 3 Bb201 Ae6928
1 Ad7 Dcea 4550 4274 A9 Fb 4 Dffd5286 A7 E
Grandparents' Mass
2 E1 Efedf E364 4 F7 C 9 Bdb Cd436088257 A
2 Fa4718 C F2 F5 45 Be Ab85 8 Afd25993053
2243 B7 Af 1331 46 Eb B812 1 E0 Ab868 A86 C
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
253 B9315 7 Aac 45 C7 A549 5 Cbee9 D38 B52
3 B2 Cafba 631 F 4298 B16 D 59488 Cb962 C6
3 F0 F72 Eb 91 Cb 4 F1 B 829 B 22719 A3 B7 E91
3 F453 Fbe 091 D 4487 A616 5 B40481 C90 D6
3 F610008 3 De9 42 C5 9911 2 F9 B18 D3 A5 F3
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
32 A285 Af 023 B 4 Ef7 Ac52 F8 C884 B70 Eee
339136 C1 81 E8 440 F B989 368 Bad46 Ed22
Grandparents' Day Art
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
4 Ed5 C62 B Ce41 490 B 8 C9 D 0664 Ef431007
4465 C45 A 4333 49 C3 Be90 4 A8 Ddf359935
45744205 08 Fd 47 Da 8 Ddc Bca4 C66 Db17 A
51 D519 F8 7 Dbc 4 B61 Aab2 Eee711 E0 D744
549900 D3 1237 49 D4 Adef 69 C321960 D59
598 B1 E69 0157 4063 8446 65 B9 F201 B654
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
609 E2 C95 F79 E 4665 Ba32 Af1 Aac3 Dab3 D
67091 Da2 1881 4 Fb8 A244 19523 F1 Ecaf6
68 Ec3 E7 E 034 A 4 E1 D B5 E5 D6 D837627 D7 A
Grandparents' Day Art
71464241 6 E48 4175 8529 2615320 E03 Ee
790 D26 Da 65 D1 4 Ca9 839 D 3 Eeef497770 F
8 F777 D5 C 9 C06 4102 9649 6 E572875 F2 Af
80429030 9 B84 4 A42 9 Fcd 704 D6 E524 D4 E
Grandparents' Mass
843 Ce24 F 77 Fa 4 D1 E 94 B8 Dbb5902 E0 E4 B
Grandparents' Day Art
Grandparents' Day Art
98 B4070 D 907 A 4 E50 96 Eb 4710 F011 D213
984 Ae0 A0 C348 4 B29 81 D3 3 Beb94823 D45
99 C40125 9 A34 4 Edc 833 D C5 F7 Ee2 De077
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
A08 B5646 Ab75 489 F 8 D7 B A7 Ba5 F2 Afa44
A1 B37 A00 2 Afd 47 Df Add5 029 Bf2 C1 E610
Aa09556 F 5801 4514 8 Cc5 2 Ae1 B69 Decca
Grandparents' Day Art
Af1 E3925 53 A3 4 Bb3 B7 F1 8 Af11866 Cb0 A
Grandparents' Day Celebrations
B5 A68942 2058 4 Aa7 84 Fd 8 Ead86 F98931
B7 A4 D6 B5 C9 Cb 4413 9184 455 A28 Ededfb
B95 C9122 B2 Bf 4 F13 B6 Cd C25 Daa538402
Bb017 B6 D 8083 4650 B9 F4 9 Dc15 C1 B1074
Bc7 Fb9 Ca 0 Ada 4478 9319 B8 Ff92 B1 Af45
Bec3036 F Ad99 439 D Ab7 C A8 E478 D4337 B
Ce5 Fddfd 60 De 4075 8054 54033 Ff2 C63 C
D24 Dd554 C2 Ce 44 B9 856 C 2 Ea5910 A54 Fe
D26 F5 C33 6281 4713 B145 Fa7699 Ad412 D
D5807 D2 F Bfeb 4824 Bbfb 61071 B2 F0967
Da983336 Cb5 D 4598 8277 24 Eba6 Cb9 Bfe
Db8273 B1 7069 4 E7 B 9 Ed9 95 F25452767 E
Grandparents' Day Art
F14 Aaf29 D357 4951 9166 F7 C73 D920 E06
F230 A8 A7 B97 A 44 Fd Ab49 D1 F74 Fa69 B42
F56 Ed213 77 Da 48 C6 98 Aa 9085 C06 E41 Dc
Fadc0 B7 A 37 Cd 4550 9 Cd4 A3 Ece7608368
Fb19 C06 A 94 Ff 403 C B456 7 E8 Cebd07 Dd1
Grandparents' Mass
Img 5079
Img 5080
Img 5084
Img 5085

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