Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Grandparents' Day

31st January 2020

Grandparents' Day 2020

Grandparents' Day is such an important part of the school calendar and is now firmly established as the highlight of Catholic Schools' Week.

Preparation for Grandparents' Day began in early January with the children producing art for display in the Parish Hall. The theme for this week was Living in Harmony with God's Creation, so the children decorated a flower, with their photo in the centre and the names of their grandparents/special family members decorated on the roots. The flowers were then displayed on the walls of the Parish Hall.

Grandparents' Day started, as it does each year, with the celebration of mass in our parish church. It was a delight to see the church full of families of grandparents, parents and children worshiping together. Our school choir provided the music to open and close the mass; while our altar servers, readers and younger children in the offertory procession contributed beautifully to the celebration.

After dropping the children back to school our grandparents, parents and special family members went to the Parish Hall for much needed refreshments, courtesy of the PTA. Thank-you to the PTA and to Anthony. This was followed by Mrs Gormley's Y5s who performed a special assembly for our guests. The children from the other classes were able to contribute to the assembly through pre-recorded messages (thankfully our projector is back in operation!). Thank-you Y5 for your huge contribution to the day. Two films (one from Y5's assembly, the other from the rest of the classes in the school) can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

We wanted our grandparents to know how much we think of them and you certainly did that! The morning then finished with the grandparents viewing the children's art. A great day.

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