Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Design A School Kit Competition Winners

24th November 2016


Congratulations to Conn (Y7) and Joseph (Y6) who won the Design a School Kit Competition.

The School Council arranged the competition, to design a kit for the new school.  There were a total of 164 entries, so well done to Conn and Joseph on their winning designs.  

Conn went for a largely green design and navy trims, to reverse the school’s mainly navy uniform.  He also wanted to reflected Glenravel’s green.  Joseph went for a contemporary navy and green design, with navy to the fore.  This will help distinguish between the two kits.

We will need two kits because we will be competing in a wide range of sports at Mary Queen of Peace PS.

Enjoy the sports vouchers boys and well done.

Conns Design
Josephs Design

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