Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Cross Country Finals' Day

28th February 2025


Congratulations to our Cross-Country girls' team who reached Athletics NI's Primary Schools' Final.

The girls qualified for the final following three races in the Causeway District tournament. Finals' Day involved a tough race over 1400m across heavy ground, against the best runners in the country. Well done girls on reaching the final and performing so well on the day. We finished 15th overall.

Thank you to the Primary 7 girls, Mrs Gormley and our parents for their support on the day. After an exhausting race it was definitely time for lunch.

For most of the team this was the final race in MQP colours. Thank you for your contribution to the school team and the tradition of cross-country running. Great memories girls and we look forward to following your running careers in the future.

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Cross Country Finals' Day

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