Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


15th March 2017


Congratulations to the boys and girls in Y7 who were confirmed on Wednesday 15 March 2017.  We are very proud of you all and the children from other schools who joined us for the sacrament.

The children worked very hard in preparation for their Confirmation and they deserved the compliments they received from Bishop Farquhar, Fr Lyons and their families.

Our school choir and their teachers also helped make this a wonderful occasion for our school and our parish.

A great deal of work went into preparing the children for the sacrament at home and in school.   Thank-you for all your work and we hope the children enjoyed their special day.  It was also a special day too for the school, as it was the first Confirmation Day for Mary Queen of Peace PS. 

After the ceremony we were treated to refreshments in the Parish Centre, which was beautifully decorated by the children’s class teacher (Mrs McConway) and her assistants.  Our PTA and Y6 parents served up a well-earned and much appreciated cup of tea and a treat.

A wonderful evening for a special group of children.  Enjoy the photos.

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