Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Coffee Afternoon to Raise Funds for the Parish Hall Roof

22nd September 2017


Coffee Afternoon                                                                

Mary Queen of Peace Primary School P.T.A. will host a Hallowe'en Coffee Afternoon, on Saturday 28 October, in the Parish Centre, from 1 p.m.  to 3 p.m., to raise funds for the refurbishment of the Parish Centre roof. The children at our school use the centre on a regular basis (assemblies, PE, after school clubs, drama, Christmas play) and look forward to work being completed to improve its insulation and heat.

We would greatly appreciate donations of buns, tray bakes, cakes, scones etc.

*Nut free and gluten free donations are most welcome too.

Donations may be left in the school (both sites)

on Friday 27th October before 2 p.m.

Or contact one of the following PTA members:

Orla            07931135134

Roisin         07729113889

Annette     07932980024

Stephanie  07752442545

Denise        07704933570


Many thanks in anticipation of your continued support.

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