Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Christmas Hamper Raffle

1st December 2022


It would not be Christmas in MQP without a PTA Hamper Raffle!

Tickets go on sale Monday 5 December, with the draw on Monday 19 December (tickets will also be on sale during the Christmas Play). Raffle tickets are 50p each and will be on sale from school councillors on the Martinstown site. On the Cargan site, please put the money in an envelope marked with your child's name and class.

First prize (a hamper for each site): arts and crafts tub, colouring book and twistables, lots of chocolate, sweet items, mug, glass, Santa milk bottle, tree decorations, snow globe, wind-up toy, Christmas cube, hot chocolate kit, socks, mini bath bombs and novelty wash mitt, festive game, Swizzels sweets, chocolate tree decoration, elf toy, Grinch mug, crackers.

Second prizes are Christmas teddy, paint your own plate (Cargan) or mug (Martinstown), hot chocolate stirrer, Star cookies and tin.

Third prize (on both sites) stacking duo mugs, hot chocolate kit and stirrer, reindeer nose sweets.

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