Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Catholic Schools' Week

29th January 2018


The theme for Catholic School's Week is:  Called to be a Family of Families and will run from 28 January – 4 February 2018.                                                                       

We will celebrate Grandparents’ Day in MQP on Thursday 1 February with 9 a.m. mass for grandparents, family and friends.  After mass you are invited back to the Parish Hall for refreshments and a chance to view the children’s giant collages of their grandparents’ photographs.                                                                                               

We would very much appreciate help from parents on the day with support for the PTA with catering (setting up the hall, serving tea).  Please let the secretary/Mrs McConway/PTA member know if you are available to assist. 

Glenravel’s Older & Wiser group will also have an exhibition of their art and craft work on display in the hall. 

There will be no Morning Club on Thursday 1 February.  

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