Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Anti-Bullying Week 2018

12th November 2018


Anti – Bullying Week 2018 began on 12 November and this year’s theme of ‘Respect’ aims to encourage children to think about what respect means to them, what it feels like to be respected and how they should show respect to others. This initiative is to help our children explore how respect for others can build an anti-bullying culture in school and our community.

As a visual representation of individual support for anti-bullying throughout our school year, we are calling on all pupils and staff to come to school on Wednesday 14 November wearing odd socks. Socks can be striped, pattern, old or new, they can be long or short and even worn over tights if it’s a cold day.  Socks can have holes or bows anything goes, as long as they are odd!

At home, discuss with your child what we are doing in school. Keep watching the website for sock updates!

Mrs Fiona McConway (Child Protection Officer)

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