Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees


13th April 2018


Following consultation with parents, governors, staff and pupils we have created an Anti-Bullying Policy for Mary Queen of Peace Primary School.

In November of 2017 we undertook an extensive consultation of the school community’s views on the vision and values for our new school; behaviour and anti-bullying.  This information was analysed and used to help create two very important Pastoral Care policies:  Positive Behaviour and Anti-Bullying.

Our school values the pupils’ views and their voice.  In addition to consulting with the children we have also worked with the School Council to devise three age appropriate definitions for bullying which the children in the Foundation Stage (Y1 & 2), Key Stage 1 (Y3 & 4) and Key Stage 2 (Ys 5-7) will understand. 

Bullying is being unkind or mean to someone everyday and anywhere. Bullying is getting hurt many times.     

Foundation Stage Pupils

Bullying is using words and actions to hurt someone on the outside (hitting, kicking) or inside (calling names). It happens over and over again to the same people by the same people.     

KS1 Pupils

Bullying is continually using words and actions to hurt someone physically or emotionally causing them to feel scared or worried. It can happen in school, outside school or online.     

KS2 Pupils

We have produced an Anti-Bulling Guide for Parents in Mary Queen of Peace PS to help us all to recognise what bullying is, how we can support the children and how we can work together to prevent bullying.  

A copy of the brochure will be distributed to all of our families and a the Anti-Bullying Policy is available in the school office.

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