Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Activity Days

12th September 2016


We had two fantastic activity days, which allowed the children to come together and build team work in Mary Queen of Peace PS.

Ardclinis Outdoor Adventure organised team building activities as well as laser tag and the ever popular climbing tower.  There were a few children who didn’t like the look of the tower at the start of the session by the end of their programme they had climbed the tower.  The weather wasn’t always kind but there was not one complaint.  Well done everyone, you were great.

Thank-you to all our parents/carers who helped with transport.  We can’t put on days like this without your support.  Your help is very much appreciated.  Thanks too to Ardclinis Outdoor Adventure and to the club, as ever, for the use of their facilities and transport.  Funding for the activity days came from the Big Lottery’s Celebrate programme, which we successfully applied for to celebrate the opening of Mary Queen of Peace PS.

Enjoy the photos.

Activity Day 1

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Activity Day 2

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