Mary Queen of Peace Primary School, Glenravel
Boy Trees

Accelerated Reader (AR)

7th February 2022


Another AR Millionaire - our first Y7 for 2021-22. Fantastic news and enjoy your well earned prize.

AR is a great success in our school but we need to keep refreshing the programme to keep the children interested.

Mrs McKeown (Literacy Co-ordinator) has ordered 818 new books for the scheme at a cost of £3,000. The new titles will be launched after the mid-term break and we look forward to achieving even higher AR targets!

Incentives also help reward the children for reading. Our School Council have been working on new rewards and targets for Accelerated Reader and Mathletics. The councillors have visited the Y4-7 classes to outline their ideas and the first of the new rewards have already been introduced.

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